Canada 902-275-4555 | USA 512-794-8907

Dr. LaValley is a licensed medical doctor, physician consultant and researcher who utilizes the world’s most advanced basic-science and clinical research evidence-base for the development of advanced Molecular Integrative Medicine treatment protocols in field of Molecular Integrative Oncology (MIO) cancer treatment.

Dr. LaValley utilizes the vast knowledge that exists – via the PubMed portal – to unlock the anti-cancer benefits of natural health product (NHP) supplements and re-purposed (off–label) pharmaceutical drugs to create personalized treatments for patients with cancer.    He has worked since 1986 as an MD, and since early 2006 has developed extensive, state-of-the-art, evidence-based relational databases about the molecular biology of cancer.    These databases are employed to build anti-cancer treatment plans designed to be implemented for at-home, daily, oral administration in addition to – not instead of – conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

He is now opening this extensive and rigorous knowledge to a broader audience and patient base.

Dr. LaValley is completing a book explaining the science and benefits of Molecular Integrative Oncology (“the other half of cancer treatment”) – to be published in 2020. It’s intended to provide a significant step forward in the understanding of Molecular Integrative Oncology and for the direct access clinicians and their patients can have to rigorously evidence-based, patient-centered, safe, well-tolerated, immediately-available, precision-medicine anti-cancer natural product supplements and re-purposed pharmaceuticals – in addition to – not instead of – conventional chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. The molecularly-targeted anti-cancer treatment options for natural health product (NHP) supplements and re-purposed (off-label) pharmaceuticals include targeting of the Hallmarks of Cancer via molecular-targeting of

  • cancer metabolism,
  • cancer molecular networks and
  • tumor microenvironment cells and molecules.

When the person diagnosed with cancer is receiving chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy, the treatment recommendations are developed with supporting evidence-base reference citations aiming at

  • molecularly-targeted synergistic enhancement of chemosensitivity/radiation sensitivity (decrease of chemoresistance/radiation resistance),
  • concurrent protection of healthy cells (cytoprotection), and
  • avoiding adverse/antagonistic interference of the desired anti-cancer molecular mechanism of action of the chemotherapy and/or radiation.

As well as continuing his research, he works as a physician consultant to a select group of licensed Integrative Medicine physicians and their patients.

DoctorsNS Feature, “Merging of Medicines, NS physician combines Eastern, Western practices” Read the article. After Dr. LaValley’s travels to China in 1982 as a medical student he returned to the USA (and Canada) in pursuit of integrating Western reductionist medicine and Eastern holistic medicine in clinical practice.

Brief Professional Bio

J. William LaValley MD is a physician in Austin, Texas and in Nova Scotia, Canada. He is medically licensed by the Texas Medical Board (TMB) and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia (CPSNS) from 1988 to present. He has clinical expertise as a Functional Integrative Medicine physician, treating patients for over 31 years, and as a professional consultant to other physicians since the mid 1990’s. Dr. LaValley develops advanced, evidence-based, molecularly-targeted treatment plans containing multiple protocol recommendations for physicians to receive, consider, and administer to their patients diagnosed with various types of cancers.

Dr. LaValley is a member of:

  • the American Medical Association (AMA)
  • the Texas Medical Association (TMA)
  • the Travis County Medical Society (TCMS)
  • the Canadian Medical Association (CMA)
  • the Nova Scotia division of the CMA known as Doctors Nova Scotia (DNS)
  • the College of Family Physicians of Canada (CFPC)
  • the Society for Integrative Oncology (SIO) since it began in 2003

1994 – Present   Founding Chairperson and Member of the Integrative and Complementary Medicine Section of Doctors Nova Scotia – 1994.    October 2014, November 2015   Delivered two professional peer-reviewed presentations to the well respected Society for Integrative Oncology Annual International Conference.     November 2013 Featured in DoctorsNS – the Official Monthly Magazine of Doctors Nova Scotia; “Merging of Medicines, NS physician combines Eastern, Western practices”    Read the article.    The article shares the story of Dr LaValley’s travel to China in 1982 as a medical student member of an official delegation of 30 US medical students led by Dr. Victor Sidel, MD and his wife Dr. Ruth Sidel, PhD (Dr. Victor Sidel was founder and President of Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) and International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War ; PSR was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1985).    The experience with The Drs. Sidel in China profoundly changed the direction of Dr. LaValley’s professional career as well as his scientific and academic world view.    Dr. LaValley returned to the USA (and Canada) thereafter in pursuit of integrating Western reductionist medicine and Eastern holistic medicine in clinical practice.    2000 2004 Appointed by the Canadian Federal Minister of Health to the Expert Advisory Committee (EAC) of the Natural Health Products Directorate (NHPD) – formerly the Office of Natural Health Products .– for the development of Regulations for Natural Health Products (NHPs) in Ottawa, Canada.    1997 – 2000  He served in the antecedent Natural Health Products Advisory Panel and National Transition Team – for the Office of Natural Health Products, Therapeutic Products Directorate, Health Protection Branch, Health Canada.     1998 – 1999 Served as a member of the Canadian National Advisory Group on Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Health Promotion and Programs Branch, Health Canada.


BA Biology, Summa Cum Laude, 1980 Trinity University; San Antonio, Texas – Phi Beta Kappa, 1979 – United States Military Academy (USMA), June 1976 – June 1977


Medical Doctorate, 1986 Baylor College of Medicine; Houston, Texas – Began in July 1980 MD then MD-PhD Program; – Department of Neuroscience as PHD Graduate Student in Neuroscience Program through December 1982; – Continued MD program through completion in 1986 while in US Army Reserve. Post Graduate, 1987 University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, Kentucky – Completed medical internship in Family Practice medicine at Department of Family Practice.

United States Army

First Lieutenant, United States Army, Honorable Discharge 1976 – 1986