Canada 902-275-4555 | USA 512-794-8907

Understanding and applying molecular science is central to effectively treating cancer.

Dr. LaValley utilizes his extensive experience in Molecular Integrative Oncology (MIO) cancer treatment and the vast library within PubMed to evaluate and recommend the anti-cancer molecular activity of natural health product (NHP) supplements and re-purposed (off–label) pharmaceutical drugs in personalized protocols targeting cancer at the molecular level – focused on the treatment goals to control cancer progression and thereby support patients to live significantly longer, stronger lives.

Speak with Dr. LaValleyAbout Dr. LaValley

Delivering accurate, actionable, researched recommendations for natural health product (NHP) supplements at the molecular level is not easy.

Dr. LaValley is one of the world’s most experienced Integrative and Complementary Medicine physicians and researchers in the field of Integrative Oncology.   He utilizes the vast peer-reviewed published research knowledge that exists – via the PubMed portal – to unlock the anti-cancer benefits of eating guidelines, natural health product supplements, and re-purposed (off–label) pharmaceutical drugs to create personalized treatment plans for Integrative Medicine physicians to administer to their patients with cancer.

His in-depth understanding of molecular biology as well as ability to reference the article and abstract citations in PubMed has allowed him to develop extensive, evidence-based, state-of-the-art, relational databases about the advanced molecular biology of cancer. These databases are employed to build broad-spectrum anti-cancer treatment plans that are designed to be administered in addition to – not instead of – conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

Dr. LaValley’s Poster Presentation for the 11th International Conference of Society for Integrative Oncology in Houston, Texas October 26-28, 2014 on the theme of “Personalized Integrative Oncology: Targeted Approaches for Optimal Outcomes.”
“Expanding the anti-cancer toolkit with evidence-based molecular-network-targeting: integrating natural products and off-label pharmaceutical agents in personalized anti-cancer therapy concurrent with, and independent of, radiation and chemotherapy protocols.”

Molecular Integrative Oncology treatment plans are most often implemented by licensed physicians with expertise in Functional Integrative Medicine.

The patchwork quilt of medical and other healthcare licensure laws, regulations and policies provides differing healthcare professionals with the scope of practice to receive, review and consider these anti-cancer treatment protocols for their patients and/or clients.

Integrative Medicine physicians who are licensed as MD, DO or DDS can prescribe the following treatment options recommended in addition to, not instead of, conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy:

  • re-purposed anti-cancer (off-label) pharmaceuticals, and
  • natural product supplements

Depending on each Canadian Province healthcare professional regulations, the following healthcare providers are licensed to prescribe the re-purposed off-label anti-cancer pharmaceuticals and/or natural health product (NHP) supplements as treatment choices:

  • licensed Medical Doctors (MD)
  • licensed Naturopathic Doctors

If you are a licensed physician/practitioner interested in speaking or collaborating with Dr. LaValley, please get in touch with us.

Canada 902-275-4555 |

Previous Speaking Event

Sept 22, 23 & 24, 2016: Orlando, FL

Title: Demystifying and simplifying the molecular biology of cancer


  • Identify three molecular signaling pathways relevant in cancers
  • Identify anti-cancer molecular effect of two molecularly-targeted natural products
  • Identify anti-cancer molecular effect of two re-purposed off-label pharmaceuticals

Synopsis: Molecular biology of cancer is a big complex subject which remains poorly understood by many physicians and other healthcare professionals. Only recently has molecular biology become widely taught in medical training. Many doctors haven’t yet had adequate training in the robust evidence-base showing significant molecular anti-cancer effects of natural products and re-purposed off-label pharmaceuticals. This molecularly-targeted evidence-base is readily available and supports the safe and beneficial administration of anti-cancer natural products and re-purposed off-label pharmaceuticals – in addition to – not instead of – conventional oncology treatments (including chemotherapy and radiation therapy). This knowledge is particularly relevant for integrative medicine physicians who treat patients with cancer who are seeking treatment to complement their conventional oncology care. This lecture is designed to give clinicians a relevant, concise and practical overview of the molecular biology of cancer – providing an easy-to-apply intellectual framework to learn and explore relevant molecular biology in treatment of their patients.